Kids Specializing in One Sport More at Risk for Injury and Burnout, Experts Say
The type of workout you do, and how your body gets its energy to fuel that movement, helps define these different forms of exercise.
What types of shoulder surgery are available?
The shoulder is a mobile and complex joint that is prone to dislocation and injury. Several types of shoulder surgery can address and correct various shoulder symptoms.
Sleep can give athletes an edge over competitors, but few recognize how fundamental sleep is to performance
A healthy sleep pattern can be a stealthy game plan for athletes to gain an edge over their opponents. Only a few top elite athletes know the secret of early bedtimes for optimal performance.
Pickleball Is All the Rage, Here's Tips on Preventing Injuries
Pickleball has become wildly popular, but that may be fueling a rise in pickleball-related injuries. “It’s quickly becoming a sport of choice for adults over the age of 50,” said Dr. Brian Cole, an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. He also plays pickleball.
Impact of Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty Design and Patient Shoulder Size on Moment Arms and Muscle Fiber Lengths in Shoulder Abductors
Reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) increases the moment arm of the deltoid, however there is limited knowledge on the accompanying changes in muscle architecture that play a role in muscle force production. The purpose of our study is to use a geometric shoulder model to evaluate the anterior deltoid, middle deltoid, and supraspinatus regarding 1) differences in moment arms and muscle-tendon lengths in small, medium, and large native shoulders, and 2) impact of three RSA designs on moment arms, muscle fiber lengths, and force-length (F-L) curves.